Table of Contents

  1. Intro and How to Use This Book
  2. Getting Started
  3. CLI
  4. Hello World
  6. Strings and the Print Function
  7. Escape Characters
  8. Formatted Strings
  9. Variables and Memory
  10. Better String Formatting
  11. Input and Output
  12. Math and Data
  13. Logic and Boolean Operators
  14. If elif and else
  15. Errors Exceptions and Bugs
  16. File Reading and Writing
  17. Loops
  18. Iterables
  19. Dictionaries
  20. Functions
  21. More Functions
  22. Try Except
  23. Imports
  24. Reading Code
  25. Do a Project
  26. Objects and Classes
  27. Inheritance and Polymorphism
  28. Modules
  29. Comments and Code Documentation
  30. Packages and Project Structure
  31. Automated Testing
  32. Do Another Project
  33. Branching Out
  34. Getting Started Again
  35. Numpy
  36. Pandas
  37. Matplotlib
  38. Scipy
  39. Units
  40. Bringing it All Together